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There are many on-line scholarly resources pertinent to SIEF members, which we have categorized under the headings below.  This list is under development and we welcome suggestions for further additions. Other special interest sections will be added as time goes by. Please check back regularly to see new categories and new listings.

Websites of general interest are categorized here under the following headings:

You will find other relevant information (mainly on German speaking Volkskunde) on www.volo.org .

Nota bene.
This directory of online resources has been compiled and annotated by the SIEF Web site editor, who is solely responsible for the selection of links and the opinions expressed in annotations. No entry or comment herein reflects an official position of SIEF, although all entries and comments are offered in the hope that they will serve as aids to scholarly research in ethnology and folklore.

Websites related to disciplines

University Institutes

Other academic institutes

Organisations / Research Groups / Commissions

Journals / Series





World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

WIPO Traditional Knowledge Website

Related websites