SIEF Working Groups

Information on SIEF Working Group funding

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Maryna Chernyavska, Kule Folklore Centre, University of Alberta
Emese Ilyefalvi, Department of Folkloristics, Etövös Loránd University (Budapest)

Body, Affects, Senses, and Emotions
Prof. Jonas Frykman, Department of Art and Cultural Sciences, University of Lund, Sweden

Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage and Property 
Robert Baron, Goucher College, United States of America
Carley Williams, Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Cultural Heritage

Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning

Maria Zackariasson, professor in Ethnology, Södertörn University, Sweden
Erika Lundell, lecturer in Ethnology, Malmö University, Sweden

Digital ethnology and folklore

Digital Ethnology and Folklore 
Coppélie Cocq, University Helsinki, FI / Umea University, Sweden
Andrew Peck, Miami University, US

Ethnology of Religion 

Ethnology of Religion 
Alessandro Testa, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Czechia
Victoria Hegner, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen

Graffity on a brick wall depicting the words Smash the Patriarchy (in black) and Stop Rape (in white)

Feminist Approaches to Ethnology and Folklore 
Chair - JoAnn Conrad: Diablo Valley College, History.
Co-chair - Dagrún Ósk Jónsdóttir: University of Iceland, Ethnology and Folklore.

Food Research

Food Research 
Chair - Patricia Lysaght, UCD Delargy Centre for Irish Folklore and the National Folklore Collection.
Co-chair - Maja Godina Golija, University of Maribor and Institute of Slovenian Ethnology ZRC, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Co-Chair - Håkan Jönsson, Lund University, Sweden


Francophone Working Group 
Dr. Laurent Sébastien Fournier, Department of Anthropology, Aix-Marseille-University, France


Historical Approaches in Cultural Analysis 
Katre Kikas, Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu
Konrad Kuhn, European Ethnology, University of Innsbruck

Place Wisdom

Working Group on Migration and Mobility
Ignacio Fradejas-García, University of Iceland
Helena Pettersson, Umea University

Place Wisdom

Museums and Material Culture
Prof. Dr. Hester Dibbits, lector of cultural heritage and course director of the Master of Museology at Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) and endowed professor historical culture and education at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Lizette Gradén, Associate professor of Ethnology, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University; Affiliate Associate Professor, Dept. of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington
Uta Karrer, Fränkisches Museum Feuchtwangen, Germany

Narrative Culture

Narrative Cultures
Helmut Groschwitz (chair, contact person), Institut für Volkskunde (Institute for European Ethnology), Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany
Petr Janeček (chair), Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

Place Wisdom

Place Wisdom
Adjunct Prof. Pauliina Latvala-Harvilahti, University of Eastern Finland
Cáit McCullagh, PhD Candidate at the Intercultural Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University; the Institute for Northern Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands, and Shetland Museum and Archives

The Ritual Year

The Ritual Year 
Emily Lyle, Honorary Chair, Honorary Fellow of The University of Edinburgh
Irina Sedakova, Chair (Russia), Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Laurent Fournier, Chair (France), Department of Anthropology, Aix-Marseille-University

International Ethnocartography Network

Space-lore and Place-lore
Karolína Pauknerová PhD, Co-Chair, Centre for Theorethical Study, Charles University Prague
László Mód, Co-Chair, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Szeged

Student affairs

Young Scholars Working Group 
László Koppány Csáji, Co-Chair, University of Pécs, Hungary
Gunnar Óli Dagmararson, Co-Chair, University of Iceland
Ana Svetel, Co-Chair, University of Ljubljana
Zuzana Terry, Co-Chair