SIEF Newsletter Vol 20 No 2 (Autumn 2022)
Table of contents
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1. Letter of the President
Marie Sandberg summarises recent SIEF activities and introduces the task forces of the Executive Board.
2. Welcome to Brno, welcome to the Czech Republic!
From 7-10 June 2023 SIEF welcomes you in Brno to join SIEF2023, SIEF’s 16th international congress. The Call for Papers is open now!
3. Call SIEF Young Scholar Prize 2023
Invitation to young scholars to submit articles or book chapters to compete for the Young Scholar Prize 2023.
4. Report: SIEF Summer School 2022
Report of the SIEF Summer School 2022 ‘Urban Heritage on the Right Bank. Heritage in Warsaw as Seen from the Praga District'.
5. SIEF welcomes a new working group
Introduction of the SIEF Working Group in Feminist Approaches to Ethnology and Folklore.
6. Working Group on Archives
The working group announces a number of autumn/winter webinars in 2022-2023.
7. Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property
The working group provides an overview of recent and future events.
8. Working Group Digital Ethnology and Folklore
Reports on a special panel, ‘Variation and change in digital folk practices,’ held at the Estonian Digital Humanities conference in Tallinn.
9. Working Group Ethnology of Religion
Call for Papers for the conference ‘Religious Utopias’. Humboldt University Berlin, March 16-18, 2023.
10. Food Research Working Group
The MAS Museum Antwerp hosted the 23rd International Ethnological Food Research Conference ‘'Food, People and the City. Comparative Perspectives'.
11. Francophone Working Group
The University of Perugia hosted the IIIrd Conference of the Francophone Working Group ‘Migrations, pandemic crisis and new inequalities’.
12. Working Group Historical Approaches in Cultural Analysis HACA
Report on the conference ‘Past Futures. Historical Approaches to the Analysis of Uncertainties and Ruptures,’ held at the University of Innsbruck.
13. Working Group Place Wisdom
Reports on the online workshop ‘Indigeneity in Europe: Issues and Perspectives’.
14. Ritual Year Working Group
Reports on the wg’s 14th conference ‘Commerce and Traditions,’ held in Riga at the National Library of Latvia.
15. Two projects related to Ukraine
Announcement of the two projects ‘Religion on Fire’ and ‘24.02.22, 5 am. Testimonies from the War’.
16. New issues of the SIEF journals ‘Cultural Analysis’ and ‘Ethnologia Europaea’
Cultural Analysis vol. 20.2 (2022) and Ethnologia Europaea vol. 52, issue 1 (2022) have been published.
17. Conference Calls
For information about current conference calls (Narrating the Multispecies World; Analyzing the Everyday: Complexity, Currency, Crisis) see the PDF of the SIEF Newsletter.
18. Reports
For reports on the photographic and multimedia exhibition ‘Listening and vision’, the Vienna Anthropology Days, the hybrid conference ‘The Middle East from the Margin’, and the first registration of Albanian Intangible Cultural Heritage see the PDF of the SIEF Newsletter.