SIEF2019 Congress special issue available
The plenaries of the Santiago de Compostela 2019 SIEF Congress have been published in the leading Spanish journal Disparidades. You can select the English version on the right side:
Also, you can find links to the videos of all the plenaries and social events (including Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett’s closing lecture) in the introductory text ([en] Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World).
The SIEF articles can be downloaded at:
Please note: the English version can be selected from the menu on the right.
[en] Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World
Cristina Sánchez-Carretero, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević
[en] The Politics of Evidence in an Uncertain World: Experience, Knowledge, Social Facts and Factual Truth
Susana Narotzky
[en] Strikethrough and Wipe-Out: Tactics for Editing the Past
Tim Ingold
[en] Digital Footprints and Narrative Traceability/Narrative Footprints and Digital Traceability
Coppélie Cocq
[en] Listening to objects
Regina F. Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon R. Roseman, Francisco Cruces
Cards with some of the different proposals that generated the final theme of the Congress. Source: Cristina Sánchez-Carretero