Bylaws of SIEF
Voted at the 7th SIEF congress, Budapest April 27, 2001.
Amended at the 8th SIEF congress, Marseille April 29, 2004.
Amended at the 9th SIEF Congress, Derry, June 18, 2008.
Amended at the General Assembly in Amsterdam, September, 12, 2014.
Amended at the 13th SIEF Congress, Göttingen, March 28, 2017.
SIEF, the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, founded in
Athens on September 8th, 1964 was the successor to the Commission
Internationale des Arts et Traditions Populaires (CIAP),
an international scientific organisation, which owed its origin to the
Congrès International des Arts Populaires held in Prague in 1928 under
the auspices of the League of Nations.
Art 1: SIEF is a scientific society whose objectives are to develop
scholarly work in the field of European ethnology and folklore, to
promote publication in the field, to stimulate co-operation among its
scholars and scientific organisations, and to contribute to the
advancement of knowledge.
Art 2: The official seat of the Society shall be
the office of the current Secretariat.
Art 3: The official languages of the Society are
English, French and German.
Art 4: The fiscal year shall run from January 1st
to December 31st.
Art 5: The Society shall be composed of individual
Art 6: Any person qualified by his/her scholarly
work in the field of European ethnology and/or folklore may become an
individual member of the Society. Application for membership shall be
sent to the current secretariat. The names of new members shall be
published on the SIEF's website.
Art 7: The organisational bodies of the Society
shall include: (a) the General Assembly, (b) the Executive Board, (c)
scholarly Working Groups. The office-holders of the Society shall be the
President, an Executive Vice-President, a Vice-President (i.e. the
Presidency), and 6-9 Board members at large who constitute together the
Executive Board. All office-holders of the Society shall be elected by
the General Assembly.
Art 8: The membership fees are decided by the
Executive Board. Members must pay the fee no later than the 1st of March
every year to the SIEF secretariat. Membership lapses if the fee is not
Art 9: The General Assembly shall meet in
connection with each congress of the Society. All members present may
vote. The duties of the General Assembly shall be: (1) to elect for the
period until the next General Assembly the President, the
Vice-Presidents, and the members of the Executive Board, (2) to approve
the accounts of the financial position of the Society (3) to give advice
on time, place and topic of the next congress, (4) to amend the bylaws,
(5) to decide any other matter laid before it by the president and/or
the Executive Board. The Executive Board may also refer any of the
duties above to an online vote of all SIEF members between its
congresses. In such cases, the decisions made by members in an online
vote shall have the same standing as the decisions of the General
Assembly at the society's congress.
Art 10: Elections at the General Assembly will be
held by show of hands. Nominations for the President and the
Vice-Presidents, and Executive Board Members of the Society, proposed
and seconded by members of the Society and with the consent of the
person nominated, should be received in written form by the Presidency
at least 48 hours before the General Assembly convenes.
Art 11: The Executive Board consists of the
President, the Executive Vice-president and the Vice-president, who
together constitute the Presidency, and 6-9 General Board members, all
of them elected by the General Assembly. Members of the Executive Board
may serve no more than two terms in either section, i.e. the Presidency
or as General Board members. However, the Executive Vice-President,
charged with secretarial affairs, can serve for more than two terms in
the same position. One term is considered to be the period from one
congress to the next. The Executive Board should represent different
regions of Europe as well as different schools and traditions of
ethnology and folklore. At least one of the members should be on the
Board or presidency of one of SIEF’s Working Groups. The Executive Board
is the main organisational body of the Society. In between the
congresses, the Board is responsible for the whole – administrative and
scholarly - activity of the Society. The Executive Board shall prepare
the meetings of the General Assembly and report about its activities to
the Assembly.
Art 12: Scholarly Working Groups shall be
established to foster special areas and fields of European ethnology and
folklore. Every member of the Society can suggest to establish new
Working Groups, seconded by at least five (5) other members of the
Society. The Executive Board may decide to create scholarly Working
Groups to undertake special tasks or to investigate certain problems
connected with furthering the field of European ethnology and folklore.
Art 13: Each Working Group must have a
recognizable structure with a Working Group Board, regulations, and a
membership list, which shall be submitted to the SIEF secretariat.
Working Groups must organize periodical assemblies and provide yearly
reports to the Executive Board. In addition, they must keep their
records and submit them to the SIEF secretariat when they cease
activities. The Working Groups are regulated by the statutes adopted by
the SIEF Executive Board
Art 14: The President represents the Society and
shall be responsible - together with the Vice-Presidents - for the
scholarly profile and activity of the Society. He or she is also
responsible for convening meetings of the Executive Board and the
General Assembly.
Art 15: The Executive Board may decide on a
division of responsibilities for its two Vice-presidents. The
Vice-Presidents are responsible for the functioning of the secretariat,
the website and SIEF publication endeavours.
Art 16: If a Board member has reason to step down
from office during his/her term, the Board may appoint a new interim
member in his or her stead who then may stand for election at the next
membership meeting.
Art 17: The congress of the Society is to be held
every two years; it shall be held at least every three years. The
organisation of the congress shall be entrusted to a local organising
committee. The Executive Board appoints the Scientific Committee
consisting of members of the local committee and members of the SIEF
executive board.
Art 18: Amendments of the bylaws shall be decided
upon by simple majority of the General Assembly. Proposals must be made
by at least five members of the Society and submitted to the President
at least six (6) months before the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Any proposals for modification of the bylaws should be published on the
SIEF website before the meeting of the Assembly.
Art 19: The Society may be dissolved at the request of
a two-thirds majority of the members of the Society. In that case such
assets as there may be are to be placed at the disposal of an
international scholarly society of similar character.
Art 20: These Bylaws are effective as of March 28,