SIEF2021 15th Congress
Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021
Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression
SIEF2021 - Audio/visual programme
< SIEF2021 Thematic structure Grid List
Convenors: Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Roger Norum (University of Oulu)
Audio/Visual Programme Selection Committee: Peter Crawford (University of Tromsø), Tom Dubois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lotta Petronella (Independent filmmaker), Itsushi Kawase (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), Steffen Köhn (Freie Universität Berlin), Andy Lawrence (University of Manchester and, Fabian Lüke (University of Cologne), Moira Marklewitz (University of Cologne), Martin Saxer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Anna-Céline Schäfer (University of Cologne), Theo Zerries (University of Cologne)
SESSION: Countering Ascriptions
Tuesday 22 June
Roundtable discussion on this topic: 14:00-15:45
Sounding the Radical Catalog
Sounding the Radical Catalog amplifies the invisible work of catalogers. As these knowledge workers make daily decisions about how to describe and order library materials, they produce the bibliographic universe piece by piece. That universe is governed by the “master narrative” of knowledge organization systems like the Library of Congress Classification and Subject Headings. Their work creates meaning for library patrons who retrieve items from collections while reproducing--or interrupting--the existing knowledge organization structures.
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