SIEF2023 16th Congress

Brno, Czech Republic:
7-10 June 2023

The 16th international SIEF congress took place in Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, the country, where SIEF forerunner Commission internationale de l’art populaire has been founded. After almost 100 years SIEF returned to Central Europe, a region where many uncertainties worth of ethnological, folklore and related research arises and overlaped for centuries. There were 998 delegates in attendance with 97 panels convened and 669 papers presented.


Photo: Pavel Gabzdyl

In the current times of various threats, vivid and vibrant auspices of the Masaryk University in Brno will provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate that inspiration for our work can flow in various directions and not only along the current hegemonic axes, to search for connections and bridges rather than divisions and to contribute to a balanced scholarly collaboration across established borders of any kind.

This was the intention of three local partners which have agreed on a joint initiative to host the congress: the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Department of European Ethnology of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University and the National Institute of Folk Culture.

SIEF2023 congress was held under the auspices of:
President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Rector of Masaryk University
Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic

This travel email was sent to all delegates on 30th May at 17:00, and gives all relevant arrival information.

The printed programme is now available to view. Please note that this programme went to print mid-May and so does not show the latest changes to panels and events. Please refer to the web programme for up-to-date info

Download as PDF


Organising institutions

The National Institute of Folk Culture
Department of European Ethnology
Institute of Ethnology

Organizing Agency

Brno Convention Bureau


Ministry of Culture Czech Republic

Partner institutions

Museum of Romani Culuture
National Technical Museum
Museum Novojičínska

Moravian Museum





Call for panels etc 15/08-17/10/2022
Panels selected 08/11/2022
Call for papers 14/11-10/01/2023
Papers marked up 30/01/2023
Transfer process 06/02-21/02/2023
Early Bird registration 13/03-24/04/2023