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SIEF2021 15th Congress

Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021

Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression

SIEF2021 Call for Panels, Roundtables, Workshops and Combined Formats

The Call for Panels has closed and the proposers have all been notified.
The Call for Papers will open on 23 October.

Formats: panels, roundtables, workshops, combined formats

While traditional panels are a fine and expected part of the Call, the Scientific Committee would strongly wish to encourage proposals of alternative formats and combined formats (details below) to engage better with this year’s conference theme.

The possible formats of proposed work can include:

  • Traditional panels with up to 5 paper presentations per one 105-minute session. Panels can have up to 2 sessions (max 10 papers).
  • Roundtables: at a roundtable a group of scholars (usually no more than 5) would discuss themes/issues of general scholarly interest in front of (and subsequently with) an audience for the duration of a single 105-minute session. While a roundtable can include short (5-10 min) provocations/presentations, the main idea is to create a lively debate, not to focus on any one presenter. In your roundtable proposal, you can list/name the participants in your long abstract, or you can leave the list open and take in 'provocation/presentation' proposals during the call for papers and choose five of those to be on the roundtable.
  • Workshops: workshops are conceptualized as practical events containing collective research activities, guided interactions and free-format exchanges leading to specific public outputs. A workshop can have up to two 105-minute sessions. They may include elements of performance, various collective activities, exhibitions, or interactive media displays. All workshop proposals must list the practical requirements of the workshop at the end of the long abstract: specifications for required space, materials, max number of participants etc.
  • Panel+roundtable: a two or three session event that combines paper presentations in the first session(s) with a roundtable in the final session. Rather than concentrating on the content of each paper, the roundtable conversation should be a general discussion on the theme of the P+R.
  • Panel+workshop: a two or three session event that combines presentations with collective activities/practical tasks/performances. All P+W proposals must list the practical requirements of the workshop aspect at the end of the long abstract: specifications for required space, materials, max number of participants etc..


  • All panels should have (at least) two convenors. At least two of the convenors should be from two different institutions and/or countries so as to encourage exchange and cross-fertilization.

  • SIEF requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: panels should not be organised as 'closed' sessions.

  • Session length will be 105 minutes for panels, workshops, roundtables and combined formats. Each traditional panel may accept a maximum of ten papers over two sessions. No panel or workshop may run for more than two sessions of 105 minutes, and roundtables may run for a single 105-minute session. Combined formats can have up to three 105-minute sessions.

  • SIEF working groups are encouraged to propose working group-related roundtables/panels/workshops/combined formats. In such cases the working group name needs appending to the title of the proposed panel i.e. Beds are burning [Place wisdom]
    Working groups should invite members to submit proposals and all working groups are guaranteed to have at least one panel accepted (it can be a roundtable, a traditional panel, a workshop or a combined format panel).

  • An individual may carry out each conference role only once during the conference - i.e. convene a panel OR a workshop OR a roundtable OR a combined format once; present a paper or a poster once; be a discussant once (either as a roundtable participant or a discussant in a workshop or a traditional panel or a combined format); be a chair once (in any of the formats).

  • Convenors of accepted panels are obliged to be members of SIEF for 2021. Paper-givers and other delegates are not obliged to become members of SIEF, however all are encouraged to support the Society in this way. There will be a financial incentive to do so, in that non-members will pay a higher registration fee.

  • While adherence to the conference theme is not the main criteria for panel selection, SIEF encourages convenors (those proposing/organising a panel) to make an effort to address the questions and ideas outlined in the theme description.

Congress format and timetable

Following the opening event (including a keynote), the programme will run over three full days. Each day of the Congress includes an invited keynote speaker and a series of parallel panel sessions that will discuss selected themes. There will be a closing plenary roundtable and the Young Scholars Prize lecture.

Poster Sessions

The poster sessions are meant to provide everyone with the opportunity of presenting their work, without overburdening the program, and accommodate those who do not wish to present orally. Posters must conform to the same basic requirements as outlined for the panel sessions. Sessions will run throughout the Congress, with dedicated slots when poster presenters will be available at their respective display to discuss their topic with the colleagues. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to participate with a poster presentation. The call for posters will open with the call for papers (23 October 2020).

Key dates

Call for panels etc 06/07-21/09/2020
Panels selected 15/10/2020
Call for papers 23/10-26/11/2020
Papers marked up 14/12/2020
Transfer process 21/12/2020-18/01/2021
Early Bird registration 15/02-12/04/2021
University of Helsinki
Kalevalaseura Foundation
visit Ethnos
Museo Virast
Uni of Eastern Finland
Wenner Gren
Finnish Cultural Foundation